How to generate ssh key for github?

1. Check SSH Key Configuration:

Make sure you have an SSH key configured on your machine and that it's associated with your GitHub account.

a. Check for existing keys: Run the following command to list your existing SSH keys:
ls -al ~/.ssh

b. Generate an SSH key if needed: If you don't have an SSH key, generate one using the following command and follow the prompts:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

c. Add your SSH key to the SSH agent:
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

2. Add SSH Key to GitHub:

a. Copy your public key to the clipboard:
cat ~/.ssh/

b. Log in to your GitHub account, go to "Settings" > "SSH and GPG keys," and click on "New SSH key."
Paste the copied public key there.

3. Test SSH Connection:

Test your SSH connection to GitHub using the following command:
ssh -T

You should see a message like: "Hi username! You've successfully authenticated..."

If you're still facing issues after following these steps, consider the following:

Check if you're using the correct SSH key. The key should match the one you added to GitHub. Verify that your GitHub account has the correct permissions for the repository you're trying to access. Check for any firewall or proxy settings that might be affecting your SSH connection.
