How to run Git commands using the www-data user?

To run Git commands using the `www-data` user, you can follow these steps:
1. Open a terminal window.

2. Switch to the `www-data` user using the `su` command with the `-s` flag to specify the shell (which is usually `/bin/bash`):
sudo su -s /bin/bash www-data

3. You might be prompted to enter your password (the password for your current user account), as this command requires administrative privileges.

4. Once you're switched to the `www-data` user's shell, you can navigate to the directory where you want to run Git commands using the `cd` command.

5. Run your Git commands as usual. For example, to clone a repository:
git clone

6. When you're done running Git commands, you can exit the `www-data` user's shell by typing:

Keep in mind that the `www-data` user is often used by web servers and is designed to have limited permissions for security reasons. You should only use this user for tasks directly related to web server operations and web content management. If you need to perform broader administrative tasks, it's generally better to use a dedicated administrative user with the necessary privileges.

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